Enfold Proxy Changes

Enfold Proxy Changes

Enfold Proxy Changes

This lists the changes that have occurred in Enfold Proxy since previous releases.

Release Notes

Version 4.7 (April, 2009)

  • Cache storage had a possibility of having different date representations which could reduce effectiveness of cache.
  • Improvements around IIS worker process recycling.
  • Removed asynchronous logging capability which could generate incorrect logs.
  • Fixed a race condition which could cause EP to become unresponsive upon IIS startup.
  • Added a eep.ini configuration for thread_pool_shutdown_timeout.

Version 4.6 (January, 2009)

  • Enfold Proxy will no longer attempt to 'prime' the EP cache by modifying incoming client requests; in certain cases, doing so led to poor performance. EP will not store an item in cache until the first non-conditional request for that page comes from a client.
  • Minor tweaks to the wording on encontrol, error messages and docs.
  • Documented a method for making 64 bit EP run in 32 bit mode.

Version 4.5 (October, 2008)

  • The cache is now far more RFC compliant and returns all headers from the original request, except set-cookie. Increased RFC compliance makes it easier for Enfold Proxy to work with existing caching infrastructure and tools.
  • Natively runs as a 64 bit application within Internet Information Server 7 (IIS 7).
  • Official support for Vista 32 bit and Vista 64 bit.
  • All URLs are now correctly quoted and utf8-encoded URLs are supported. (Note: this may not be supported by the backend Zope/Plone server).
  • A new setting for the log files (called the Headers log level) makes it easier to read HTTP headers and verify that caching is taking place.

Other improvements and changes:

  • minor changes to the user interface and documentation
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a response with an incorrect content-length to be returned (making some requests appear to hang).
  • Default setting for cache size is now 100MB (was 10MB) and default max cached item size is now 200k (was 100k).
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the cache to act as if it were full even when empty.
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the cache to leave "orphaned" files in the cache folder even after items were updated.

See also: Known Issues related to the 4.5 release.

Version 4.0 (May, 2008)

New features include:

  • Optimize server performance with statistics from a new log analysis tool.
  • Easily set up the server to create Web pages from XML files with XSLT processing.
  • Choose the level of support that's right for you with new annual subscriptions.

Other improvements:

  • Speeds error diagnosis during setup with a better configuration checking tool.
  • Improves proxy performance by reusing connections to the remote server.
  • Enables a cache purge to take place in the background, eliminating the need to stop the server.
  • Fixes a bug that degraded cache performance by leaving "stale" files in the cache directory.
  • Fixes a bug that prevented includes and excludes of names containing spaces.
  • Improved help can now be accessed from within the configuration tool.
  • Descriptions in the configuration tool uses the phrase "proxy definition" instead of the more ambiguous word "host" from previous versions.

Bug Fixes:

  • New 'ep_log_analyzer' tool to extract statistics from EP log files.
  • New 'ep_cache_check' tool to check the consistency of the cache.
  • Fix a bug that caused a huge number of "stale" files in the cache directory, degrading performance of the cache. People upgrading from an earlier version of EP are recommended to use the ep_cache_check tool (see above) to check for and fix this problem.
  • Fix bug that prevented 'includes' and 'excludes' working when the URL is quoted.
  • Purge URLs in the background.
  • Reuse connections to the remote server when possible.
  • eep_check is now much smarter about how it connects to IIS for testing to handle the various site-matching configuration options provided by IIS.

Version 3.0 (February, 2007)

  • Revamp of the Configuration Utility to have a "host" view of the world like EP itself does. This removes many restrictions in the Config Utility and should allow all existing configurations to work with the utility.
  • Change the way IIS sites are managed by the installation and checking tools. It should no longer be necessary to specify a '--server' command-line option to use a site other than the default site. The installation and checking tools now 'do the right thing' based on the 'site=' option in the configuration file. As a result of this, the default for the 'site=' option has changed from meaning 'all sites' to meaning the 'default site'
  • Correct a number of issues in eep_check.
  • Added flexible purging; a purge request can ask for all URLs that start with a particular string to be purged.
  • Fix an error when enabling the cache after EP started with caching disabled.
  • Correct the 'validation' count in the cache statistics.
  • Better cache validation, including correct use of load-balancing hosts for validation.
  • The cache is able to store URLs of any length.
  • Maximum number of items in the cache can now be specified.
  • eep_check works better with NTLM authentication enabled.
  • More efficient serving of pages that exist in the cache.
  • Standards compliant caching, including 'If-None-Match' tests and all 'Cache-Control' headers, use of 'Age' and 'Via' headers, etc.
  • Installer now checks if EP is running and warns a re-boot may be necessary if they proceed without stopping IIS.
  • Other minor bugs.

Known Issues

As documentation is updated for Enfold Proxy after release, this topic will contain known issues and workarounds. To see the most recent known issues, check the Enfold website at http://www.enfoldsystems.com/software/proxy/docs/4.0/changes.html#known-issues

List of Known Issues

Searching through current & resolved issues

Enfold keeps a "collector" of ongoing issues related to products. (If you bought a subscription, you will have a login for the Priority Enfold Proxy Collector at https://entrack.enfoldsystems.com/browse/PROXYSUP). This not only lets you create issues of your own, it also allows you to view issues created by other clients as well.

There are two ways to browse through the Priority Proxy collector:

  1. Enter a specific term or phrase in the Search box at the top.
  2. Click one of the links under Project Summary or Open Issues on the right side. If browsing in this way, don't forget to browse through the Closed issues. Not only are there far more closed issues than open ones, but the closed issues often include solutions and advice from Enfold's technical support staff and sometimes even from developers.