Enfold Server

Get the tools you need to integrate Plone and Windows.


*** For a quote to migrate from Enfold Server to Plone 4, please contact us.

Key FeaturesPloneEnfold
Manage content with the powerful, user-friendly, standards-compliant Plone system. bullet off bullet on
Easily connect to your existing Active Directory database to manage user accounts and privileges.
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Streamline the user experience by eliminating extra login boxes with built-in support for Microsoft's single sign-on protocol.
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Choose from among several preset caching profiles to optimize performance with a proxy Web server.
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Use automatic cache purging to ensure visitors see the latest content. (requires Enfold Proxy)
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Save commonly used documents as file templates for faster creation of new content.
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Take advantage of the preinstalled Enfold Desktop server component to give users access to the full Desktop feature set.
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Clean up locked content and manage locking policies with the lock manager tool.
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Diagnose search issues with the IFilter test tool.
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