Pricing FAQ

Frequently asked questions about Enfold Systems pricing

What are subscriptions and how do they work?

Learn more about the benefits of our subscriptions and their pricing.

Can I continue to use the software after my subscription expires?

YES.  The subscription covers a period of 1 year.  At the end of the year, you may renew your subscription or allow it to lapse.  The software will continue to operate, but you will loose guaranteed access to security patches, updates, and expert support staff.

Is your pricing based on the number of users?

NO.  All Enfold products available for purchase are based on the number of physical servers (or virtual machines) you install the software on.

Does the cost include hardware?

NO.  The subscription cost is related to software only.  If you are interested in hardware resources, Enfold offers hosting solutions to provide mission critical infrastructure to organizations.

Are there any educational discounts?

NO. Software companies sometimes offer special prices to promote products to students and teachers, and for academic use. These specially priced products may come with limitations or restrictions compared to the standard versions. By contrast, universities, colleges and other schools typically buy Enfold software for production use in business-type applications. When we set our prices, we keep in mind that education is a valued customer segment.

Does Enfold offer nonprofit pricing?

NO. We use other methods to maximize Enfold's contribution to the greater good. For example, Enfold releases much of its code to the open-source community so developers can use it for other projects, often with social benefit in mind. Also, much of Enfold's client work is with nonprofit organizations. In fact, empowering community-minded organizations to collaborate and to communicate with the world is our mission.