Privacy Statement
How We Protect Your Information
We protect user information with secure servers, SSL encryption and other technology and procedures for protecting consumer privacy.
How We Collect Your Information
We collect data that is not personally identifiable information, including IP address, referring Web site and other metrics tracked by Google® Analytics. We collect personally identifiable information through registration forms, server logging and upon purchase of our products.
We do employ cookies. A cookie is a small text file our Web server places on your computer hard drive to be a unique identifier. Our cookies do not have an expiration date. They do collect personally identifiable information, including your user name for our Web site.
How We Use Your Information
We will use the information we collect for customer purchases, order processing, support, maintenance, Web site access and marketing effectiveness.
Registered users may receive additional announcements from us about products, services, special offers or a newsletter. Out of respect for your privacy, we give you the option not to receive these types of communications.
We will use the information we collect to create customer profiles based on browsing or purchasing history. We may supplement information we collect at our Web site with data from other sources, such as credit history, to authorize purchases.
We may share data with third parties such as credit card processing and fulfillment companies. These third parties will use the information to process your order.
We offer links to other Web sites. When you click on links to other Web sites, we encourage you to read their privacy policies. Their standards may differ from ours.
Our Web site offers issue trackers (support collectors) to help customers, users and clients resolve problems with our products and services. Please note that information you post in these venues may become public knowledge.
How to Change Your Information
You may access and edit your own personal information, or contact us at [email protected] to report any inaccuracies you find.
How to Resolve a Problem
If a problem arises, please e-mail us at [email protected]. We are committed to resolving issues within five business days.